BEE Internship
The BEE Internship is a paid student internship program that works closely with energy efficiency and sustainability professionals to develop and implement specific projects aligned with student interests to promote energy use awareness and combat climate change.
Featured BEE Internship Project:
The 2021 BEE Interns created the SEE Initiative that invites future BEE Interns to create energy savings challenges to help conserve resources in school buildings. They partnered with San Antonio ISD to create a marketing campaign called the “5 Minute Shutdown”. The goal of the campaign is to encourage students, teachers and other school building occupants to reduce energy consumption by “shutting down” energy using equipment at the end of each school day.
BEE Interns designed logos, created a poster, website and a YouTube video showcasing the impact we can all make by “shutting down” energy using equipment when not in use. BEE Interns presented their SEE Initiative to industry professionals and SAISD administrators. Visit the official SEE website to learn more!