Conserving energy, one school at a time!
Welcome to the Student Energy Engagement initiative or SEE initiative. We are dedicated to raising awareness and conserving energy in schools, by empowering students, teachers and community members. Our goal is to save 5-10% of schools’ energy through conservation district wide.
Up to 30% of a school’s energy use is unnecessary
Energy is the second-largest operating cost for school districts, right behind employee costs. In fact, a lot of energy is being wasted which can lead to the schools overspending on their budget. School districts spend millions of dollars per year just to power schools and district offices. If we were to conserve energy and save at least 5-10 percent annually, that’s millions of dollars that could potentially be used elsewhere such as field trips, technology, and other educational resources.
So much energy is overused, simply due to lack of awareness and forgetfulness. We created this SEE initiative and every summer our BEE Interns add challenges that can remind students and teachers to conserve and shutdown a few things when not in use.
How can you help?
Pick Your Challenge
It all starts with your choice, choose a poster that suits your needs and sparks your interest. They all solve a variety of environmental and energy needs.
Complete the Challenge
Each challenge is easy and ready to use in our school buildings. All it takes is a little action and consistency. Students and Teachers working together can help combat climate change.
Conserve Energy!
Although energy isn't tangible. After a few weeks of completing your challenge, the district’s energy department will realize the change and SEE results in their monthly energy bills.
The Premiere Challenge
The 5-minute shutdown
Based on recommendations by energy experts, we designed a challenge that focuses on balancing air conditioning and turning off excess electronics. One of the highest energy usages comes from air conditioning, the challenge helps by keeping the rooms at a balanced temperature by closing blinds and turning the thermostat to 78. We also help save energy by turning off unused devices and lights before teachers leave for the day, which lowers the cost of electricity bills. Check out our poster!
How to use your poster:
Step 1: Print this reusable 11” x 17” poster and don’t forget to have it laminated!
Step 2: Hang poster near the classroom door or over the classroom light switch.
Step 3: Once shutdown is complete, check the boxes and cross out the day using a dry erase marker.
Step 4: Rinse & Repeat! In the AM, erase/wipe the checklist so you are ready to go through the steps all over again at the end of the school day.
Step 5: It is said that it takes 27 days to create a habit, so we challenge you perform these steps for at least 27 days!
**Don’t hesitate to continue using this checklist indefinitely to help your school save energy and money…and help save our Earth!
Are you up for the challenge?
Contact us today to get started! We will help get your school started on an energy savings journey to combat climate change.